International Ideas Competition to encourage the preservation of natural resources.

Concursos AG360
Concursos AG360

1er Lugar

Shenzhen, China

  • Yang Hanyu
  • Liu Xiaotong
  • Lang Yingying


The Snow Art Pavilion blends into the environment under a pure architecture full of contemplation with 3 premises: movement, vertigo and nature, which are experiences that tourists seek when visiting the Julien Pass in the Swiss Alps.

From a large “crack” in the earth, like a natural tectonic movement, an underground passage for exhibitions is created, while a large transparent box is superimposed, with lines of light emanating the frozen speed of the passage of cars, which becomes a showcase towards the great snowy natural environment of the mountains.

The Snow Art Pavilion experience begins on arrival, as the pavilion itself becomes a sculptural element that is traversed from point to point exposing great natural views and sensations that change over time.

Concursos AG360
Concursos AG360

1ra Mención

Mytishchi, Rusia

  • Maksim Matveev
  • Daria Matveeva
  • Yulia Kushina
Concursos AG360
Concursos AG360

2da Mención

La Plata, Argentina

  • Emiliano Mario Frega
  • Livila Brenda Platania
  • Nicolas Bonavera
  • Lucas Ezequiel Maitini
Concursos AG360
Concursos AG360

3ra Mención

Riedstadt, Alemania

  • Dill Khan
  • Xian Zhu
Concursos AG360
Concursos AG360

3ra Mención

Genevé, Suiza

  • Leenart Steemans


Find out more about past contests and the solutions provided by our contestants.



Project conceptualized since 2009 and dedicated to the construction of a new Architectural culture from a sustainable and friendly plan with the planet.

concursos ag360