1.- What do you mean by double units? Are they like twin sets stuck on the same platform? Or should they only be connected to each other?

R= They are units that work independently but visually look identical. They must be separated volumetrically.

2.- Should the spaces have a central connection or can they be isolated and connected by the same pier that will be designed?

R= Both solutions are correct. The design depends on each participant.

3.- Can another type of support other than piles be proposed?

R= No. On this occasion it is essential that they be vertical supports towards the bottom of the lagoon.

4.- Is the proposed architectural program for the entire accommodation or for each double unit?

R= The program is for one accommodation only.

5.- Is the 45m2 a single twin unit including the two suggested levels?

R= Yes, only accommodation on one or two levels.

6.- Can an extended architectural program be proposed?

R= Yes, as long as 45m2 per accommodation is not exceeded.

7.- What is the delimitation of the land and construction both in the lagoon and on the land?

R= Only prototypes will be located in the lagoon, no construction will be planned on land. The delimitation indicated in CAD must be respected as much as possible, to allow the free transit of Kayaks and small boats.

8.- Are there any restrictions on the use of materials?

R= There is not, but the use of environmentally friendly and easy-to-maintain materials is recommended.

9.- Regarding vehicle accessibility, will tourists be able to arrive in their cars or will the hotel pick them up at an arrival area?

R= It is a dirt road to get to the area. It is reached by private cars and taxis, as well as the use of motorcycles.

10.- Are the 90m2 prototypes a single stilt house with the same restrictions as the individual ones?

R= There are no 90m2 stilt houses, all stilt houses are 45m2

11.- Is the layout of 10 double units a total of 20 prototypes of 90m2 and/or 45m2 arranged in pairs?

R= It has been decided to make a change in the overall accommodation to benefit the views of the lagoon. There will be 10 prototypes of 45 m2, arranged in pairs.

12.- Has the layout been changed from 10 double units to 5?

R= It is correct, to prioritize the views of change to make a layout of only 5 double units.